Tuesday 18 March 2014


The Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition has written to the local state Member of Parliament, Chris Gulaptis, calling on him to urge the NSW Government to halt CSG and unconventional gas mining in NSW.  The Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas Against Gas also wrote to Mr Gulaptis on this matter.  Below is the text of the CVCC letter. 

The Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition (CVCC) believes that CSG mining and unconventional gas mining pose an unacceptable risk to water supplies, farmland and the natural environment.  This has been very strongly highlighted by the contamination of an aquifer in the Pilliga.

We cannot afford to risk further toxic spills and contamination of water supplies anywhere in NSW.

The CVCC is concerned that the National Party MPs in our area are not effectively representing their constituents in protecting farmland, water and the natural environment from an invasive and polluting industry.

We call on you to urge your Government to put an immediate stop to all coal seam gas and unconventional gas mining in NSW.

Delegation Presenting Letters from the CVCC and the Knitting Nannas