Monday 6 June 2016


 On Friday June 3 the Clarence Valley’s contribution to World Environment Day (June 5) was held in Grafton.  Nearly 50 people attended the ninth annual ReWeavers Dinner in which three people – Leonie Blain and Sharon Lehman of Grafton and Helen Tyas Tunggal of Angourie – were honoured for their outstanding contributions to our Earth Community.
Leonie’s early work included the Daishowa pulp mill and Regional Water Supply campaigns.  More recently she has been involved in the unconventional gas-mining campaign and climate change issues.  Leonie was a foundation member of the Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition and has been secretary since 1991.  One spokesman stated, “This group’s existence would have terminated long ago except for Leonie’s efforts.”  She is also an active member of many local committees such as Council’s Climate Change Community Advisory Committee.

Sharon came to the Clarence 22 years ago and has been very much involved in searching for ways to make environmental education and communication more effective.  She has a very strong sense of wholeness and the social aspect of our Earth Community is very important to her.  Three major projects she has initiated are Waste Not Want Not, Clarence Valley Conservation in Action and Hands on Nature.  Her work illustrates many aspects of the Earth Charter, one of the world’s great Earth Community documents.

Helen as principal of Harwood Island Public School led the development of the school as a centre of excellence in environmental education.  Over the past 25 years Helen has continued to refine the Learnscapes Planning and Design Process, developed the Clarence Water ambassador education program, written the Kidsgrow school gardening resources and received the 2007 NSW Environmental Educator of the Year award.  She has been a long-serving member of local environment groups including Valley Watch and Angourie Coastcare.

The ReWeavers Certificates were presented by Alan Jeffery, Regional Manager, North Coast NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Alan Jeffrey, Helen Tyas Tunggal, Leonie Blain, Sharon Lehman.