Thursday 15 March 2018

EARTH MATTERS: Grafton Street Tree Heritage - Uniformity and Diversity

Tree Waratah     Photo: Jeff Thomas

Monday March 19

In the first Earth Matters session of the year Jeff Thomas will discuss Grafton trees.  While Grafton is well known for its Jacarandas, there is a lot more to the treescape in the city. From the odd remnant of the original rainforest, early plantings for shade and beautification, a long relationship with the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney and changing ideas of diversity and avenue plantings Grafton has a rich street heritage which few other towns can rival. 

Jeff Thomas is a NPWS former ranger and currently pest officer. With scientific and horticultural qualifications, he has been interested in the many fine examples of trees in the urban landscape of Grafton, many of which are rarely seen elsewhere

The session will be held in the Staffroom at Grafton Primary School, Queen Street, Grafton from 5.30 – 7 p.m. on Monday March 19.

There will be ample opportunity for questions and discussion.  Refreshments will follow.

For further information, contact Stan on 66449309.

Earth Matters is a session on the environment which is conducted every two months by the Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition ( ).

Golden Penda, Market Square    Photo: Jeff Thomas