This article was originally published in the VOICES FOR THE EARTH column in The Daily Examiner on July 20 , 2020.
Monday, 27 July 2020
This article was originally published in the VOICES FOR THE EARTH column in The Daily Examiner on July 20 , 2020.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
For years there has been widespread concern about koala population decline in NSW. The black summer bushfires have made this a much more urgent concern – a matter recognised by the Legislative Council committee inquiring into koala populations and habitat in NSW.
The committee’s report (Koala populations and habitat in NSW ) was released on June 30. In referring to the scale of koala loss during the fires, it stated that “without urgent government intervention to protect habitat and address all other threats, the koala will become extinct in New South Wales before 2050.”
It also referred to the current estimate of 36,000 koalas in NSW as being outdated and unreliable.
Estimating koala numbers has always been difficult because they camouflage well and are difficult to locate.
A group of researchers associated with the University of Newcastle who have been experimenting with heat-detecting drones to locate koalas think that they may have a more efficient and cost-effective solution.
In an article in The Conversation (July 7) these researchers described their testing of this new technique in Port Stephens in the winter of 2019 in an area where the koala population was widely dispersed.
They stated that by searching forests on foot at night with spotlights they found on average about one koala every seven hours. When they used a thermal drone at night in these same forests, they found an average of one koala every two hours.
The search was conducted using a drone with both a thermal and a colour camera flown back and forth so that no spots were missed. When they saw a large infrared blob in the tree canopy, they paused the drone to capture GPS data and detailed images.
The next day, using the drone again, they were able to verify these night time detections and obtain very high-resolution colour images as well as thermal images.
The researchers believe this technique could be used to assess koala numbers in fire-burnt areas in coming months. And there are many other possibilities for its use in locating other threatened species in isolated refuges or difficult terrain in Australia and elsewhere.
- Leonie Blain
This article was originally published in the VOICES FOR THE EARTH column in The Daily Examiner on July 13 , 2020.
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Since last September, Clarence Valley Council has been reviewing its 2010 Biodiversity Strategy, and recently placed it on public exhibition for comment.
As someone who participated in the development of that original Strategy, I undertook a critical review of that document to see if the aims and objectives, particularly relating to native vegetation, had been achieved, before making comments on the review.
Those objectives were to: “Protect areas of native vegetation: Reduce the loss of native vegetation to facilitate a net gain: Revegetate riparian zones: Encourage the protection and management of regrowth in identified corridors”, and “Educate the community on the benefits of biodiversity, and enforce legislation aimed at protecting native flora and fauna values”.
Sadly, I concluded they had not been met, particularly the enforcing of legislation.
There are some relatively uncontrollable external factors that have undoubtedly led to a net loss of vegetation, such as the massive destruction caused by the Pacific Highway relocation. However, Council did nothing to convince the Roads and Maritime Authority to change the route to either of two other less damaging options.
My cynicism is based on reality, as evidenced by the following example. The 2010 strategy acknowledged that “land clearing and fragmentation was the most important contributor, to the loss of habitat and decline of native species”, and recommended that: “Any removal of native vegetation, as part of a development application where clearing cannot be avoided, shall be offset to ensure a net gain in vegetation”.
With that strong statement in place, one has to ask why the largest single housing development to be approved, Iluka's Hickey Street project, went through with no off-sets required whatsoever, resulting in the net loss of 14 hectares of forest.
Regrettably, it's not the strategy that has failed to halt biodiversity decline, it is the failure of Council itself, from planners, through to elected councillors, very few of whom, it would appear, have ever read the document, and have little or no understanding of the critical need to protect biodiversity in order for humanity to survive.
- John Edwards